Saturday, May 15, 2010


(VIA Jak&Jil "Tanned")
Today I will be going to hunt cellos! Fun fun. Are Hermann Meyers nice?
Hier, c'était la fête "CMEAS"! C'était amusant! I chatted with orchestra friends, and playing was iffy.. but I bought sodas. And later we stuffed them into Phyllis's back-pack so mama would not find out~ 

Isn't that bag just so wonderfully equestrian? I never knew that that meant horses, by the way.

Aujourd'hui, j'ai un rendez-vous avec une vieil amie a une heure de l'apres-midi. Nous allons manger à une petit restaurant. :) (Today I have a lunch date with an old friend at 1:00; we're going to eat at a small restaurant) And perhaps we'll have to go shopping later~ (Hint, mother)

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